A question
By L. Vancil Copyright © All rights reserved
What is the estrange quality,
that takes a frightened man,
and in the midst of battle
makes him quiet stand?
When all the world 'round him,
is caught in violent fight.
His comrades die beside him.
What change fills face with light?
'twas unseen witness of God's plan?
Or thrill of victory?
What fills the heart and lights the face,
what feeling struggles free?
What is the one experience,
that moves the loosing man,
when all his world is crumbling,
to calm and quiet stand?
When friends despair around him,
what change fills heart with fight?
Whence comes determination,
to face a hopeless plight?
What hard, bright armor of the heart,
finds pleasure in the strife?
What unseen energy surrounds,
to light the torch of life?